“How do you develop such a hunger for God’s word?”
“You make a decision, a deliberate act of your will. You then prioritize the time, and you stick to it. Just like exercise tones and strengthens the body, consuming God’s word tones and strengthens the soul. You’ll see a difference. Guaranteed.”
The Old Man and the Tea - McMillian Moody
A few years ago I found a book series on Amazon Kindle about Elmo Jenkins, a young man finishing up seminary with a church internship. The books follow his journey through a life of ministry. I reread the books every couple of years. They aren't a deep read but they are funny and have spiritual nuggets like above.
This one hit me hard last night. I've been trying to develop a consistent time of bible reading. But honestly, I haven't been very successful. I'll go stretches of reading every day followed by stretches of not reading. I have my alarm set to get up thirty minutes early. But I'll end up going back to sleep or playing games on my phone.
Not this morning. I was tempted to go back to sleep, but the words "deliberate act of will" ran through my head. So I got out of bed and read the bible. A chapter of proverbs. Several chapters of psalms. Some time in prayer. Got the kids off to the bus and then spent some time in Ephesians. It was a good morning.
Now it's time to stick to it. Each morning my alarm will go off and I will make another deliberate act of will. And in time it will become easier. And I will develop that hunger for God's word.
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