August 17, 2010

A Purpose

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not  to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11


On the way to work this morning I started thinking about a car accident I almost had in college.  I got distracted when I thought I saw someone I knew.  After staring for several seconds to convince myself that it was them I looked back to the road.  There was a car stopped directly in front of me turning left.  I didn’t even have time to brake.  I spun the wheel to the right, then the left and around the car I went, barely missing a mailbox in the process.


My hands gripped the steering wheel.  I should have hit that car.  It seemed like my car had moved contrary to the laws of physics to shoot around a car that I should have rear-ended at full speed.  How had I not hit that car?  The only explanation was God.  To this day I fully believe that an angel pushed my car around the other car.


As I was thinking about this I suddenly heard these words in my spirit, “I saved you for a purpose.”  I was stunned.  I didn’t know what to say or think.  I turned off the radio and tried to collect my thoughts.  I was afraid to say anything for fear of saying something wrong.  God saved me for a purpose?


Some perspective…  I believe that God orders your steps and will lead you in life.  And there have been times that I’ve felt that God was leading me in certain directions.  I would know in my heart what decision or action I should make in a situation.  But in those times I just had a feeling or an inclination.  Even when I moved from Indianapolis to St Louis it was just a feeling.  I knew it was something that God wanted me to do.  This was different.  I felt words spoken into my heart.  For the first time that I can remember I feel like God truly spoke to me.


Even now I feel the impact of those words.  I know that for some time now I’ve been lax in my spiritual walk.  I haven’t been studying God’s Word as I should.  I haven’t been praying as I should.  I haven’t been growing in my walk with God.  I’ve been floating and adrift.  I’ve felt useless.  And despite all of this, God still has a purpose for me.


I have changes to make in my life.  I will pray and study God Word with fervor.  I will let go of the cynicism and sarcasm in my heart and replace it with God’s Love.  I will do everything in my power to truly reflect God’s Love in my daily walk.  I will prepare my mind and heart to fulfill the purpose God has for me.


When I am ready God will direct my steps in a new direction.  It may or may not be soon.  It may or may not be a direction I expect.  But I will be ready.

August 2, 2010

Use Worms!

In my last post I mentioned a family fishing trip I took in June.  I had so much fun fishing in the pond at the cabin we rented.  It seemed like every time I dropped my hook in the water fish were biting at the worm in seconds.  But I didn't start out fishing with worms.

Our first night at the cabin all of the guys went down to the pond to fish.  We pulled out the fancy lures and tossed them.  These fish didn't know what was going to hit them!  About 30 to 45 minutes later we all gave up and headed back to the cabin with one guy having caught an eight inch bluegill.  Not a tremendous accomplishment for the "skilled" fishermen that we were.

The next morning we headed to the streams to fish for trout.  But as I was standing in the water watching fish after fish swim by my lures with no interest I started thinking about that pond.  Why not just try worms?  So I headed to WalMart and bought some worms.  I went back to the pond, baited a hook and dropped it in.  Thirty seconds later I was tossing my first fish back in the water.  I spent a couple of hour catching fish.  They weren't big fish, but I caught a lot of them.  So much for the fancy lures, huh!

How often when we go fishing for men do we use lures and forget about the simple truth of Jesus?  Man is a sinner.  God sent Jesus to die for our sins.  Accept the truth of that sacrifice and you'll spent eternity in heaven.  What do we do instead?  We try to avoid controversy.  Or we try to be controversial.  We try to debate with the person.  Or instead of talking about the Gospel we talk about the person's sin.

How do we avoid controversy?  We start a "discussion."  We use general terms in order to not scare them off.  We avoid using the name of Jesus.   We try to meet people on their terms.  We try to make them feel comfortable.  How effective can this be?  Why would someone who feels comfortable with their life turn to Jesus?

How do we try to be controversial?  We go out of our way to bring up a subject that incites peoples anger.  I saw a video online of a person "witnessing" on a college campus.  He was standing on the campus lawn preaching fire and brimstone to a crown of students.  And then he brought up his "biblical" view that a woman's only place was in the home.  You can imagine how quickly the crown turned against him.  The campus security guard had to intervene to keep him safe.  What did he accomplish with his preaching?  He hardened the hearts of the students.  How did his controversial statements show God's Love, Mercy or Grace?  He portrayed God as unloving and harsh.

If we're trying to win someone to Christ, why do we start debates?  How many times have you seen someone, anyone, truly win a political or religious debate?  The end result of two people arguing religion or politics is almost always two people who are more firmly entrenched in their beliefs than they were before.  I heard something on a Ravi Zacharias podcast that stuck with me.  "The Goal is not to win arguments.  The Goal is to Win Souls."  So why are we starting debates?  When someones spiritual life is in the balance does it really matter whether it's okay for Christians to drink alcohol or get tattoos?

Why do we talk to people about their sin?  Almost anyone would say that they are just trying to do the best they can.  They know they aren't perfect.  What can we accomplish by talking to them about something they already know?  The beginning of every religion is that man isn't good enough.  The end of every religion is eternity in heaven.  The differences between religions are the different methods that man has created to save himself. 

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
John 3:16
How do we convince someone that Christianity is different?  How should we start out talking to people about our Christian Faith?  God sent Jesus to die for our sins!  The death of Jesus on the Cross is the focus of our Christianity.  Without His sacrifice Christianity is just another meaningless religion.  Another attempt of man trying to save himself.  But we can't save ourselves!  No matter how "good" we are, we can't lift ourselves any higher than we already are.  Try it.  Grab your belt and try to lift yourself up.  Can't happen.  By dying on the cross for our sins Jesus has already lifted us up.  We don't have to save ourselves.  He's already done it!

So quit trying to use fancy lures and equipment.  Go back to the basics.  Worms have always been the best bait for catching fish.  And the name of Jesus is the best bait for catching men.