Ephesians 1:1-2
Paul, an apostle (special messenger, personally chosen representative) of Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed), by the will of God [that is, by His purpose and choice], to the saints (God's people) who are at Ephesus and are faithful and loyal and steadfast in Christ Jesus: Grace to you and peace [inner calm and spiritual well-being] from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I like this definition of peace. Inner calm and spiritual well-being.
Not calm, but inner calm. Everything could look crazy and reckless on the outside, but inside is calm. Usually, we try to portray an appearance of peace while we have tremendous turmoil on the inside. People say that's like a swimming duck. Everything above the water looks smooth and easy but under the water those legs are moving like crazy!
I would say this inner calm is like an eagle clinging to a tree branch in a storm. That eagle is being buffeted by rain. The tree and branch are swaying to and from in the wind. But because of that firm grasp the eagle has on the limb it isn't concerned. It's just sitting there riding out the storm. Calm.Not just inner calm, but inner calm and spiritual well-being. Have a connection to our God and Savior that will stay strong through our trials and tribulations.
Think back to that eagle. What if that eagle was clinging to a dead tree? It's still calm while it's clinging to that branch. But at some point in time that rotten branch is going to break. When it does break, whether in that storm or the next, that eagle will lose its calm until either the storm is over or it finds itself clinging to another branch. That what it's like when someone is clinging to another religion. That rotten branch may hold for a while, but eventually a storm will come along that will break it. Only our connection to Christ is able to stay true and strong through any storm that may come along.
Or the eagle's grasp on the limb may not be as strong as it should be. Whether because of weakness, laziness or shifting feet, a gust of wind could come along at just the right time and blow the eagle off of the strong branch. The same can happen to us if we become weak in our connection to Christ. We become too lazy to keep the connection strong. Or we turn away from him at just the wrong moment. The storm comes along and makes a mess of us until we focus on reattaining that strong connection to Christ. And it always seems to take more effort to get back to the place of peace we had before being knocked about than it would have taken to maintain a strong, enduring connection to Christ before the storm knocked us off of our, unknown to us, precarious perch.
Keep your connection strong. Don't get lazy. Don't lose focus. Stay in Peace.
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